A day in the life – lockdown edition

Last July I shared with you a day in the life but WFH edition, which was my new reality after being furloughed for a lot of the summer. However, although we are now in a new year, my life hasn’t changed too much (shock horror the global pandemic is still in full force). In the UK we are now in another national lockdown (the third one if anyone is still counting) and I am once again, for the third time furloughed. So, whilst I’m hoping we are going to be in our last lockdown (I hope I’ve not just jinxed it). Well, I’m keeping everything crossed anyways, I thought I would do a day in the life lockdown edition, mainly for me to look back on but also it might be interesting for you. However, I will warn you that my days, likes most peoples are incredibly dull.

08:00 – 9:00am – Despite not being at work at the moment, I still like to wake up relatively early so I’m in the habit for when I do go back to work. Although, I did set my alarm for 8am but snoozed to 9, which is a common pattern for me (oops).

09:00 – 10:00am – During this time of the morning, I sat in bed and scrolled through my social media’s, checked my emails and read some my book because it was getting good before I fell asleep last night, oh and also had a cup of tea. At the moment the book I’m reading is ‘The seven deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle’ by Stuart Turton, which I’ve been enjoying, it’s definitely different to what I usually read, but I’m a fan. I basically like to take this time to chill out, but I have to admit this does sometimes last more than an hour, which that day it did.

10:00 – 11:00am – I officially got out of bed after spending way too long in it and started my day. It’s a must for me to make my bed, so I did that, then I brushed my teeth and washed my face to feel a bit fresher and also shoved my gym gear on. Since I got a Fitbit a couple of weeks ago, I have been trying to exercise 5 times a week, which happens to fall on the weekdays. So, I went and did a 40-minute workout, which consisted of the treadmill (12 incline and 3 speed) for half an hour, while watching Parks and Recreation which I been dipping in and out of over the last month. As well as 10 minutes of skipping which I’ve also recently been trying to get better at.

11:00 – 12:00pm – When I finished my workout, I had a banana (I go through phases of eating breakfast and not, and at the moment I’m not into it) and then I jumped in the shower. Once I got all ready and dressed (in my joggers and a jumper which is a staple outfit for me), I finished off the episode of Parks and Rec I was watching and played some games on my phone before lunch.

12:00 – 12:30pm – My favourite time of the day, lunch! While I’m not working, I usually make lunch for me and my sister during the week, so that’s exactly what I did. That day we had avocado and a fried egg on toast, which is a firm fave of ours and super quick to make.

12:30 – 1:30pm – I was very good that day and two bits of exercise. In the afternoon, my sister, mum and went on an after-lunch walk, which we usually do if we have errands to run. On that particular day we popped to Tesco for some bits we needed in the week and forgot to get on the big weekly food shop. Recently on the walks, I been quite anti-social (soz mum and sister) and tend to stick in my earphones to listen to an audiobook and that day was no different. At the moment I’m listening to ‘Girl, woman, other’ by Bernardine Evaristo which I’ve only got two hours left on and have to say I’ve been liking.

1:30 – 4:30pm -When we got back from the walk, I made a cuppa tea and sat down at my desk to write my last blog post (favourite reads of 2020), took the pictures for it and got it ready to schedule. After doing this for two hours or so I facetimed my friend for a catchup and watched another 20 min episode of Parks and Rec (I’m addicted).

4:30 – 6:00pm – That day was my turn to make dinner (we do a meal plan so we all know what’s going on). I was making a cottage pie with sliced potato instead of mash, to spice things up (that’s what our lives have come to lol) and also had a side of steamed broccoli and carrots. Whilst I was making that I listened to some more of the audiobook and after a while switched to some music because my brain had given up concentrating on it (I think I was hungry).

6:00 – 8:00pm – At 6ish dinner was served, which we scoffed down really fast as usual, chatted for a bit about our days, then cleared the table, washed up and sat and watched the rest of the episode of ‘Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back’ which was started just before we had dinner. We had to pause it because there were some graphic scenes of expired food which we didn’t need to see whilst eating, ew.

8:00 – 10:00pm – I then headed upstairs to my bedroom to binge-watch two episodes of ‘Marriage at first sight Australia’ which I needed to catch up on. It such a good TV show and incredibly entertaining by the way, if you don’t watch it but love a bit of drama, I would 100% recommend it’s on channel 4. Whilst I was watching it, I also ordered my friend a birthday card on Moonpig and played some games on phone/ scrolled through Instagram/ Twitter.

10:00 – 11:00pm – Once I finished those episodes, I turned the TV off, put on my PJ’s on, did my skincare and got ready for bed. I then read some of more of my book on my kindle to wind down, but I’m pretty sure I only lasted a chapter then fell fast asleep.

I hope you enjoyed another pretty boring day in the life, I can’t wait until we are all back to normal and go out and about, or just back working from home at this point. I’d love to hear in the comments below, what your days in lockdown are looking like.

Alisha xoxo

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